For the first time in over 30 years Schaulager is presenting an extensive overview of works from the Emanuel Hoffmann Foundation. Ever since it was established in 1933, the Foundation has been devoted to the collection and presentation of contemporary art. The current exhibition FUTURE PRESENT, covering over 5000 m², will be on view not only in Schaulager’s unique galleries but in other rooms on the premises as well. Works from the Foundation are also permanently installed in public spaces in and around Basel.

Exhibition views
Including a wide range of media from paintings, sculptures and drawings to installations, photography and video, FUTURE PRESENT allows visitors to take a journey through a century of art history from classic modernism to the present day. Early classic modernism is represented by such artists as Max Ernst, Hans Arp and Joan Miró as well as Salvador Dalí’s famous Burning Giraffe and Robert Delaunay’s Eiffel Tower. Joseph Beuys’s iconic installation Schneefall (Snowfall) and major pieces by Bruce Nauman are among the many works of mid-20th century art that will be on view. Moreover, works by Jeff Wall, Katharina Fritsch, Robert Gober, Tacita Dean, David Claerbout, Thomas Demand, Elizabeth Peyton, Peter Fischli and David Weiss and many others testify to outstanding developments in contemporary art over the past few decades.